Monday, April 20, 2015

More used would I be

This past week was a doozie! Lots of rain and spring is a beautiful sight! My hump day was on Thursday. Not cool and super weird to think I am on the downslope! Sister Froerer and I were able to go to Iowa City for a meeting with other missionaries and President and Sister Jensen. We then had three more meetings throughout the week to present what we learned to the zones here in the Des Moines Stake. Boy were we busy and tired! We had limited time to proselyte but saw some really neat miracles as we found a new investigator and met some really cool people.
Here in Des Moines there is so much diversity! We were in an apartment building yesterday and talked to a Sudanese and Mexican family, two people from Burma, and a man from El Salvador. It was so totally rad. Who woulda ever thought to find so much culture in Iowa? I love it.
We are actually teaching a Burmese family. They were refugees and left Burma because they were persecuted for their belief in Christ. In Burma they could not pray in their own home without fear of persecution. This cute little family has so much faith as they come to church, pray, and are trying so hard to learn English. They don't understand anything at church but go home and study passages in their Bible which has been translated into Chin. They are the greatest! My faith is strengthened each time we meet with them and they put a huge smile on my face despite the large language barrier.
Yesterday church was beyond packed. There were so many visitors, people we didn't even know! The Africans are so good at inviting friends to church. It was definitely a "divide and conquer" effort for Sister Froerer and I. We sang More Holiness Give Me as a closing hymn and words from the last verse struck me.
"More fit for the kingdom,
More used would I be,
More blessed and holy
More, Savior, like thee."
We will not be fit for the kingdom of God in the eternities unless we sacrifice and are used to our greatest capacity in the kingdom of God on the earth. This gospel is not about convenience. As we serve and are used by our Master we become more sanctified, or holy, we become more like our Savior. I love the work of salvation and may we be used and take no thought to the capital we put into the work of the Lord. This is a blessed and happy work and I couldn't be more grateful to be "used."
Love y'all,
Sister Skaggs

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