Monday, December 7, 2015

Cheddar and Cheese

A couple weeks ago, on exchanges in Webster City with Hermana Smith, we climbed over potted plants to knock on this guy's door. After a considerable time waiting for him to answer the door, it finally swung open. There stood a grown man trying to control two ferrets. One black, and one white. After we laughed and composed ourselves I asked him their names. "Cheddar and Cheese," he said, holding each of them up. He then politely declined the invitation to hear more about precious restored truths that would bring him incomprehensible happiness and peace. Nonetheless, we met two ferrets named Cheddar and Cheese. Only in Iowa.
This past Friday was our ward Christmas party. Sister Beattie sings like an angel and Sister McKinstry is not bad herself. I myself on the other hand try to blend my sub par pipes with their sweet melody. Evidently I do a good enough job because we were asked to perform at the party. Yes, I, Courtney Skaggs, sang in a trio at the Boone Ward Christmas party. We sang a pretty song by Sally deFord called "Would I Know My Savior. That's about all that needs to be said. 
We have mission tour this week with Elder Martino of the 70. He has asked us to study Alma chapters 8-12 in preparation for the meeting. If you want to learn how to be a missionary read those chapters! They are extremely insightful and uplifting. Something I loved was Alma's willingness to follow the counsel from a messenger of the Lord to return to the city of Ammonihah in chapter 8. In the act of being weighed down with tribulation, he was told to return to the city where he experienced rejection and hate. Sometimes in life the path that we must walk will lead us to places that are unpleasant, perhaps places that we have been before and would rather not return. As we take steps forward, with faith in His plan, the way will be clear. And, like Alma meeting his eventual companion and friend, Amulek, our joy will be full as we find peace and solace in submitting to the will of our loving Father in Heaven.
Love y'all,
Sister Skaggs

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