Delivering cookies on Christmas Eve
Merry Christmas to yall! I hope it was a good holiday with family, friends, food, festivities, faith, and fun! I had a great Christmas here in Kirksville and we spent a lot of time with members. It was such a blessing to skype with my family and see how much my nephew John has grown! It was a supper low key Christmas, a perfect one to remember the birth of our Savior and keep Him on my mind throughout the day. On Christmas Eve we went to the Davis', an awesome family in our ward. they have a tradition to turn of the lights, sit on the floor, and eat foods that Christ would have eaten for dinner by candlelight. It was super fun as we passed around fish, nuts, cheese, olives, and some pita bread. After skyping with my family the next day we went to a member's house, Sister Jenson. She is totally rad and had a craft for us to do! I will send a picture in the next week or so when it's completed. We then made biscuits and gravy for dinner from Sister Paul's family recipe. So good! We were stuffed with goodness and I slept like a baby.
Something interesting happened was that a couple of weeks ago, I was asked to lead the music for our Zone Training Meeting. If you know me at all, you know I do not have the knack for the musical talent of singing, let alone leading music in front of 20 plus people! Well that was a couple weeks ago and I managed. This week, our district leader asked me to lead music for District Meeting! "What is goin on here?!" is exactly what I thought. I got through it without losing my place or messing up the pattern in the sky, thankfully. I guess the Lord is wanting me to develop some new talents!