Hello from Kirksville once again! Things are good here and the work is picking up a bit. It is so so hot here though! The humidity is heavy and we are in a heat advisory, I think. I don't watch the news but a member was telling us to always carry water and take breaks, especially if we're walking. We get the car back on Thursday so that will be good!
School is back in session here at Truman so there are a bunch of people in the library and it reminds me of those days for me. I don't miss those days but it's good to have a lot of people around to talk to!
A few things about Missouri. Everything is green but there is not a sprinkler in sight! Not kidding, the only ones I've seen were at the church building. Grandpa would love gardening here, because there would be no water bill! But with the rain and green comes humidity. The other night we were out knocking on doors before we went in for the night. The sun had set but it was still really hot! It felt like when you open the dish washer just after it finished a load of dishes, but not just for a few seconds. Imagine that all day. We were constantly sweating. I wiped my sweat mustache five times in ten minutes. It was lovely. But the members ALWAYS pick us up if they see us! Or if we make it to their house they give us a cup of water and a paper towel. They're great and super good to us.
Bugs out here are crazy too. The other day we were walking by some tall grass on the side of the road and I got his in the face by some big black thing! Hard! I thought my worst nightmare had come true and a bird was attacking me! Sister Ramsey was laughing so hard because she had seen the grasshopper fly out of the grass, get caught in the wind, go whizzing past her, and smack me right in the face! I was so startled but had a good long laugh about it after I realized I wasn't under attack.
On Friday we went to Iowa City, which is three hours away, for a training meeting for all the new missionaries. It was really good to see a lot of MTC friends and I'm sad I didn't get pictures. But after the meeting we went to the mall to eat and I saw someone with a Kahuku shirt on! I thought, "no way, someone from Laie in Iowa?!" I just had to talk to them! So I did. They were from Hawaii and went to BYU-Hawaii and lived in Iowa City because he was going to school. There were two little Hawaiian kids running around and I had a great little chat with the family. Oh, and last week we ran into a Padre fan here in Kirksville! He's not even from California, Kirksville born and raised but an avid Padre fan. He said went to a game down in St. Louis last week when the Padres came. He had a big number 19 on the back of his truck! He wasn't interested in the gospel but it was good to talk him. It's kinda cool running into people I can relate really well with even though I am way out here in Missouri.
The first three weeks I was here in Kirksville we worked really hard to find new investigators but were having no luck. No new investigators the first three weeks. None. It was frustrating because we wanted more people to teach! But we just continued to trek along and work hard. On Thursday we were knocking doors with the sun beating down on us and people rejecting us left and right. I had my hair in a bun on top of my head. Professional? Probably not, but there was no other way to survive the heat and humidity. We worked hard for two hours and by the end of it I was frustrated to be honest! But then a miracle happened. A member called us, told us we should come over for dinner, and said that her friend was there and she wanted us to teach her! We taught Marcie at Sister Forbes' apartment and had a great meal. Marcie really wants to learn more and is so prepared to accept the gospel. We were also blessed with another new investigator on Saturday. We might feel like we are going through the hardest moments, and maybe we are. We may feel like our efforts are in vain. We might feel alone in our work and efforts to do the right thing. But the Lord is mindful of our efforts and will bless us. He let's us go through hardship to see if we will have faith. It is after this trial of our faith that he will pour out blessings. Remain faithful, fight the good fight, and remember that He knows your circumstances. He is laboring with us in the vineyard of life. The good Lord is there and will never forsake us.
Love you all,
Sister Skaggs